Indoor Rock Climbing is on the Rise

If you live in a city that doesn’t have year-round outdoor rock climbing, it can feel like there aren’t many options for climbers who want to stay active and keep climbing. Luckily, indoor rock climbing gyms are on the rise, and there are even more alternatives so you don’t have to put your climbing skills on ice until spring comes again. Here are some of the best indoor climbing gym alternatives.

Indoor rock climbing gym alternatives

The best indoor climbing gym alternatives are indoor rowing, indoor cycling, and cross-training with weight lifting. Indoor rowing is great because you can get a full-body workout with no additional equipment. Plus, you can row indoors on a Concept 2 Rower, so you can have the same type of monitoring and tracking that rowers get in indoor rock climbing gyms. Indoor cycling is a great lower-body workout, plus you can easily increase the intensity, resistance, and speed to make it as intense as you want and get a great full-body workout. Cross-training with weight lifting is another great option because you can do so many different exercises. Unlike indoor rock climbing, you don’t have to be in one position for long periods, so you can easily switch from one exercise to the next. Plus, it’s a great way to increase your overall strength without overworking your climbing muscles.

Rock Climbing Indoors: Just a different kind of training

Rock climbing indoors is not a different type of training, it’s a different way of implementing the same things you’d do outdoors. You still need to have good technique, know how to read the wall and be able to use your hands and feet to scale the wall. It’s just that you do it in a controlled environment so you don’t have to worry about any external factors. Indoor rock climbing has its advantages and disadvantages, but either way, it’s always important to train the same muscles you would outdoors. There are many different types of indoor climbing gyms, but you can still train your upper body, core, lower body, and cardio with the right strategies.

Stretching and fitness activities for indoor climbers

If you want to stretch your climbing muscles, try stretching your posterior chain, quads, and calves. Your lats and rhomboids are important muscles for your climbing technique and posture, so make sure to stretch those out. One of the best ways to increase your overall fitness is by adding in HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts. You can do HIIT workouts using a jump rope, a treadmill, or a rowing machine. If you use a rowing machine, you can use resistance bands to increase the intensity so you can get an even better workout. You can also try adding weight training to your fitness routine.

Cardio and weight-loss activities for climbers

Cardio is an important part of your climbing training, but you need the right type of cardio for climbing. HIIT workouts are great for climbing training, but you want to avoid high-impact workouts like jumping jacks, plyometrics, or running because they can put too much stress on your joints. Low-impact workouts are best for climbers because they work your cardiovascular system without putting too much stress on your joints. Swimming or aqua jogging is one of the best indoor rock climbing gym alternatives. Swimming is great because it’s low-impact and uses your whole body, but it doesn’t put any direct stress on your joints.

Core strength activities for climbers

These are the muscles you want to focus on when training your core. The lats and rhomboids are important for posture, lats are also used when pulling on the wall. The lower back muscles, including the glutes and hamstrings, are crucial to core strength. The transverse abdominis is a critical muscle for climbers because it helps you to brace and protect your spine. The obliques help you to twist and turn and stay balanced when you’re climbing. The internal and external hip rotators help you to keep your knees in the right position when climbing.


While indoor rock climbing gyms and other alternatives are a great way to exercise and stay fit, it’s important to remember that you should always warm up before you start training. Stretching and slow cardio are great ways to start your workout, and they can help you to prevent injury and stay safe as you train. Indoor rock climbing gym alternatives are great workouts for climbers who can’t climb outdoors during the winter. They are also great for climbers who travel frequently and want to stay active while they are away from home. Whether you choose indoor rowing, indoor cycling, cross-training, or one of the many other great alternatives, you can stay fit and active even when the weather outside is frightful.