The Mountain Climber's Interval Training

Mountain climbers are a phenomenal intermediate-level exercise that will build strength and endurance in your upper body, as well as your core and lower body. They also have the added benefit of working your cardiovascular system at the same time. Climbers are a form of plyometric exercise. This means they’re an explosive movement that involves a short but powerful burst of energy to propel you up with one arm and down with the other repeatedly. These 10 mountain climber exercises and variations will give you an intense, 30-second workout that will leave you dripping with sweat and gasping for air. They’re also perfect for home or gym workouts, because they don’t require much equipment beyond a sturdy bench or chair and some floor space.

Basic Mountain Climber

The basic mountain climber exercise is a form of interval training. It will help you to increase your speed, endurance and cardiovascular fitness. This exercise requires a small amount of space and can be performed anywhere, such as in your home or at the park. Beginners should start with 10 reps and advance to 30 reps as they become more fit. Start in a push-up position with your knees bent and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then return to the starting position. Then, without pausing, lift the other knee towards your chest. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Reverse Mountain Climber

The reverse mountain climber exercise will build endurance in the upper and lower body and core. It will also improve your balance and coordination. These are great for improving your cardiovascular fitness and increasing your speed, because they are a form of interval training. They’re also a good choice for people with joint issues. Start in a push-up position with your knees bent and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then quickly return to the starting position. Then, without pausing, lift the other knee towards your chest. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Single-Leg Mountain Climber

The single-leg mountain climber exercise will build strength in your upper body, lower body and core. It will also improve your balance and coordination. This is a more advanced version of the basic mountain climber exercise. It’s best for people who are already fit. Start in a push-up position with one knee bent and one foot resting on the ground beneath your buttocks. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then return to the starting position. Then, without pausing, lift the other knee towards your chest. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Triceps Press-Up Mountain Climber

The triceps press-up mountain climber exercise will build strength in your upper body and core. It will also improve your balance and coordination. This is a great exercise for people who want a challenging but efficient workout. It will build strength in your upper body and core. Start in a push-up position with your knees bent and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then quickly lift the opposite elbow towards the knee. Return to the starting position, and then repeat with the other arm. Continue alternating as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Rotating Mountain Climber

The rotating mountain climber exercise will build strength in your upper and lower body and core. It will also improve your balance and coordination. This is a challenging variation of the basic mountain climber exercise. It’s best for people who are already fit. Start in a push-up position with one knee bent and one foot resting on the ground beneath your buttocks. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then return to the starting position. Then, without pausing, lift the other knee towards your chest. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Bent-Knee Raised Leg Mountain Climber

The bent-knee raised leg mountain climber exercise will build strength in your upper and lower body and core. It will also improve your balance and coordination. This is a challenging variation of the basic mountain climber exercise. It’s best for people who are already fit, or those who want a tough workout. Start in a push-up position with one knee bent and one foot resting on the ground beneath your buttocks. Lift one knee towards your chest, and then return to the starting position. Then, without pausing, lift the other knee towards your chest. Continue alternating knees as quickly as possible, until the exercise is complete.

Summing up

Mountain climbers are a phenomenal intermediate-level exercise that will build strength and endurance in your upper body, as well as your core and lower body. These exercises are a perfect cardio workout too, and will leave you dripping with sweat and gasping for air. With so many different variations and challenging exercises, you’re sure to find a mountain climber that suits you. These 10 mountain climber exercises will give you an intense, 30-second workout that will leave you dripping with sweat and gasping for air.