Intense Planking

Planking is a great exercise to build core strength and endurance, but did you know that you can plank anywhere? That’s right. Planking doesn’t require any fancy equipment or a gym membership to get the job done. This challenging static hold routine will help improve your endurance and strength while also increasing your heart rate. If you’re looking for a new way to challenge yourself during your next plank session, try these variations. Each one of these exercises will work different muscles in your upper body and core, making for an intense 15-minute routine that you can do at home or when traveling.

Plank with Leg Lifts

This variation is great for activating your core muscles. Start in plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from head to toes. Then lift one leg 6-8 inches off the ground and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise will help you activate your core, giving you better form and more control over your body. This variation will help you activate your core and glutes while building endurance in your upper body.

Planks with Leg Lift - Ask Doctor Jo

Plank with Arm Reaches

If you’re looking to build strength in your upper body and core, this variation is for you. Start in plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from head to toes. Then reach both arms towards your toes. Hold for 10 seconds and then return to plank position. This exercise will work your upper body and abs, helping you builds endurance and strength in your arms and core. This variation is a great way to build strength in your upper body and core. It’s also a challenging and rewarding exercise to test your endurance.

How to Do a Side Plank with Arm Reach | Abs Workout

Side Plank Drops

This variation will help activate your core and build strength in your upper body. Start in side plank position with one arm on the ground and the other arm reaching towards the sky. Then slowly lower your bottom arm towards the ground as far as you can without losing form. Hold for 10 seconds and then return to plank position. This exercise works your core, helping you activate your muscles and build strength. This variation will help activate your core muscles and help you build strength in your upper body. It’s a challenging exercise that will test your ability and endurance.

Side Plank Hip Drops

Plank Twist and Taps

If you’re looking for a challenge and a new way to spice up your planking routine, this variation is for you. Start in plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from head to toes. Then twist your upper body so that your right hand is facing the ground and your left hand is facing the sky. Hold for 10 seconds and then switch sides. This exercise works your upper body, core and glutes. You’ll not only build endurance, but also improve your flexibility by twisting and turning your upper half. This variation is a great way to challenge yourself and add a twist to your planking routine. Not only will you build endurance, but you’ll also improve your flexibility by twisting and turning your upper half.


Bottom’s up Plank March

This variation will help activate your core and build strength in your upper body. Start in plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from head to toes. Then lift your right arm and left leg off the ground at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat with the other arm and leg. This exercise will not only help you activate your core, but it will also help you build strength in your upper body. This variation will help activate your core muscles and help you build strength in your upper body. It’s a challenging exercise that will test your ability and endurance.

KB Bottoms Up March

Plank Jacks

This variation is great for improving strength and endurance in your upper body and core. Start in plank position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from head to toes. Then quickly jump your feet in towards your hands and jump your feet back out. Repeat for 20-30 seconds. This exercise will help build strength in your upper body and core, making it a great addition to your planking routine.

Plank Jacks


To recap, these exercises are great for those who are ready to take their planking game up a notch. They are challenging variations that will help build endurance and strength in your upper body and core. Each exercise is simple to do, and each will help you improve your form and activate your core muscles. Whether you’re looking for a new way to challenge yourself or you simply want to mix up your planking routine, these exercises are sure to do the trick.